These plans have been briefly reviewed by members of the NJESTA Board or were presented at previous NJESTA workshops.
Please do not submit any previously copyrighted materials, unless you are the author and written permission is included for posting. All appropriate credit will be given. DIRECTORY OF LESSONS BY TOPIC: Astronomy Star Finder - Star Chart Environmental Science Beneath The Shell-A Teacher's Guide to Non-point Source Pollution and its Potential Impact on New Jersey Shellfish Compass Basics Cookbook for Cleaner Air Environmental Protection, What You Can Do!...More or Less ppt. - NJDEP/NJESTA Workshop Environmental Protection, What You Can Do!...More or Less doc. - NJDEP/NJESTA Workshop Here Today, Here Tomorrow - Recycled! Project Learning Tree - Biodiversity (free module) Project Learning Tree - Energy and Society: Classroom Materials and Workshops Project Learning Tree - Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live Project Learning Tree: Secondary Environmental Education Program Radon Alert-Lesson Plans and Activities Recycling Manual for New Jersey Schools Schoolyard Clinometer Geology Free Topo/Geology maps - NJGS Geology Teaching Resources New Jersey Geology: Awareness & Activity Package (pdf) - NJGS Resources for Teaching Geology - The Sourcebook for Teaching Science The Teacher-Friendly Guide to the Northeastern United States Meteorology Weather Station Symbols - NJDEP Oceanology Maury Module Wind Driven Surface Currents (pdf) - Missy Holzer, NJSTA workshop Do Ocean Surface Currents Influence Climate (pdf) - Missy Holzer, NJSTA workshop My World, My Water and Me - Teachers Guide Save Water: Every Drop Counts Activity Book (pdf) Stormwater Lessons and Resources Paleontology Dino-Name Game - Marc Rogoff, NJESTA workshop Fossils on the Walls - Marc Rogoff, NJESTA workshop Paleontology Portal Teachers' Guide Learning From the Fossil Record Paleontologists and Paleontology Lesson Plan How Do Scientists Find Dinosaur Fossils? Life Has a History Evolution: Its Effect Throughout Geological Time and the Controversy A Kids Guide To Fossil Formation |